Draft 2
Because of both my other team mates being off sick they are not able to edit right now so I thought I would do my own draft and edit then compare it to theirs by the time they have finished theirs.
I unfortunately still couldn't reach 2 minuets even with the new drone footage which wasn't working at first which is why I didn't have it in the first draft but I manged to get the battery's working again so I managed to get some footage.
one of the audio transitions could do with some touching up and some of the visuals could be better. from the last edit I had added an extra dog scene so that the dog is leading the camera towards the body and I added some extra footage at the end so that it added that extra bit of enigma for the audience, so that they know the field has something dangerous about it but what? I also added some extra title cards in there to fill in some blank spaces which felt empty and to show who directed it and I added the title of the film at the end of the opening which I have seen done in a few films for example all the bond films have an artsy opening then a quick cut to the title card.
Overall I think I have improved the opening scene since the last draft
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