thriller audiences research

thriller audience research 

  • from what I've found the average thriller is a 15+ 
  • Because violence and phycological issues are common codes and conventions in thrillers, thrillers are aimed at adult audiences because younger audiences wouldn't understand.
  • thrillers are mainly aimed at the male audiences but statistics show the female audience also watch thrillers nearly as much as the male audience.  

  • thrillers are mainly aimed at the male audience because of the violence and phycological illness themes but it also depends on the type of thriller they are watching because there are sub category's for thriller films such as:
- romance thrillers
- sci-fi thrillers 
- horror thrillers
  • these different sub category's will be aimed at different target audiences 
  • aim for ages 18 - 25
  • target for male and female
  • define what sub category opening is in 


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