First draft of opening

 First draft of opening


The main problem we have is that it's 40 seconds short of 2 minuets. In our next draft we will bulk it out with drone footage and better angles of facial expressions. Our teacher has pointed out that the institutional ident of the 20th century fox doesn't work with the genre of film that we are doing so instead we thought to put a sony opening or a niche british company that might have been backed by a company like the BFI. 

Our teacher said we should have more shots of the expressions of the protagonist when he finds the body of the young girl, we could also have the dog sniffling in the ground then the dog leads the camera up towards the body and maybe have a few more shots and different angles of the body. I was thinking of a shot of the hand of the body in the stream and the water running past it. We were thinking of adding drone shots into the next draft because I have a drone that I could use for establishing shots or shots of him leaving the house to put his wellies and coat on because it doesn't cut well from drinking tea inside to him instantly outside.

We needed to add in title cards and actors names in for the next draft in sections that they would fit in like the black screen at the start and where there's gaps in the background like when he's walking the dog down the path.

We could also add it in an actors name in the background of the shot above and he will be walking away from it.


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