Notes on a new Sci-fi Thriller


Notes on the new sci-fi thriller Don’t look up

Title: Don’t look up

Director: Adam McKay

Year: 2021

Starring: Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Lawrence, Ariana Grande, Jonah Hill, Meryl Streep


·         Identifies social issues.

·         It represents modern day and how humans would react to a mass catastrophe like the one in the movie.

·         Representations of modern political standpoints.

·         Has a quite a bit of comic relief.

·         Relatable in many parts to different people – for example the fear and mass panic could be relatable to some people whereas the political stances could be more relatable to others.

·         Very relevant to modern day in terms of COVID-19.

·         It was depressing yet very accurate near the end as to what the world would be doing in times of impending doom.


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