Notes on a new Sci-fi Thriller
Notes on the new sci-fi thriller Don’t look up
Title: Don’t look up
Director: Adam McKay
Year: 2021
Starring: Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Lawrence, Ariana
Grande, Jonah Hill, Meryl Streep
· Identifies social issues.
It represents modern day and how humans would
react to a mass catastrophe like the one in the movie.
Representations of modern political standpoints.
Has a quite a bit of comic relief.
Relatable in many parts to different people –
for example the fear and mass panic could be relatable to some people whereas the
political stances could be more relatable to others.
Very relevant to modern day in terms of COVID-19.
It was depressing yet very accurate near the end
as to what the world would be doing in times of impending doom.
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